
Excel File Repair How to Recover Corrupted Excel File 2010 Updated

Excel File Repair How to Recover Corrupted Excel File 2010

A while back, when I was working with an important Excel document, my file got corrupted, and I couldn't access information technology correctly. Since I didn't have a backup of my XLS document, I tried all kinds of feasible solutions to repair information technology.

Thankfully, with the help of some reliable tools, I would restore my lost information. Therefore, if you too want to repair damaged and corrupt Excel files, then you can get to know about all these tested solutions that I have implemented as well.

repair excel files

In this article

Part 1: What Causes the Corruption of Excel Documents?

If you want to repair damaged and corrupt Excel files, then you should first try to diagnose what could accept caused this issue in the get-go place.

  • Mishandling of files: 1 of the major reasons for getting an Excel file corrupt is related to its mishandling (like shutting down your system when the file is still being processed).

  • Decadent storage: Chances are that the partition or the external storage unit of measurement where your Excel file is saved could be damaged or corrupted

  • Malware attack: Your Excel documents might be infected by any malware or virus, damaging its vital components.

  • App-related outcome: If your MS Excel app (or the MS Function Suite) is corrupted, and then information technology can also finish up damaging your XLS files.

  • Logical errors: Besides that, there could exist an effect with your Excel file'due south metadata, header, or whatever other component, causing numerous logical issues.

  • Other reasons: At times, fifty-fifty a third-party application, whatsoever unreliable plugin, a forceful conversion of the file, or any other reason can also crusade these problems.

excel corruption error

Function 2: 6 Smart Ways to Repair Damaged and Corrupt Excel Files

Subsequently getting to know almost all the major issues with Excel files, let'due south learn how to fix them by applying these smart solutions:

Set ane: Use MS Excel's Native Repairing Feature

To make it easier for us to fix all kinds of small-scale problems with our Function documents, Microsoft has come up up with an inbuilt repairing solution. Therefore, if your XLS or XLSX files are only mildly damaged, then you can simply repair them with this awarding's native feature.

To repair damaged and corrupt Excel files, you can just launch the MS Excel application and get to its Carte > File > Open characteristic. Y'all can at present simply locate and select the corrupted Excel document saved on your arrangement.

open and repair excel document

Now, instead of loading it in the standard way on Excel, you can click on the dropdown button adjacent to the Open up feature. From hither, you can select the "Open and Repair" feature instead and wait every bit MS Excel would automatically try to repair the selected file.

Set 2: Delete all Unwanted Temporary Excel Data

At times, there tin can exist an issue with the stored temporary files in MS Excel that can cause a conflict with your files. Though, this issue can easily exist resolved by merely removing all the temporary Function information from your organization.

To practice that, you can just launch the Windows Explorer and go to its Windows bulldoze (like the C: bulldoze). At present, navigate to Users > [Username] > AppData > Local > Microsoft > Function.

delete ms office temp files

From here, you lot can manually search for files with the "tmp" extension and just delete them from your system. Afterward that, you can relaunch MS Excel and try loading your corrupt XLS file.

Fix 3: Repair Damaged and Corrupt Excel Files with Repairit File Repair

In case there is a more severe issue with your Excel files, then you lot can repair them using Wondershare Repairit – File Repair. It is a user-friendly awarding that can repair multiple Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and PDF files by post-obit a simple clickthrough process.

You can repair your Excel files that are damaged nether every possible scenario with Wondershare Repairit – File Repair. After completing its processing, the application would let you preview the results and export your Excel files to whatsoever preferred location.

Step ane: Load the Damaged Excel Files on Repairit – File Repair

To repair damaged and corrupt Excel files, you can just launch Wondershare Repairit on your organization and become to its File Repair feature from its sidebar. Y'all can at present click on the "Add together" button to merely locate and load any corrupt Excel file on the awarding.

repairit file repair load files

Pace 2: Repair the Loaded Excel Documents on Repairit

Once your corrupt Excel files are loaded, you can cheque their details on the side (like their size and location) and click on the "Repair" push button to showtime the procedure.

repairit file repair start process

Subsequently that, you tin can merely sit back and wait for a while as the application would repair damaged and corrupt Excel files. You tin bank check the progress of the Excel repairing process on the application.

Pace 3: Preview the Results and Consign your Excel Files

After the repairing procedure has been completed, Wondershare Repairit will let you know. You tin can at present only click on the "Preview" push to check its data repairing results.

repairit file repair process completed

Hither, on the native interface of Repairit, you can bank check if the loaded Excel document has been repaired by getting its preview.

That'due south it! If you are satisfied with the results, then you can just click on the "Save" button side by side to the file'due south details. This will let y'all export your repaired Excel files from Repairit to any secure location on your system.

repairit file repair export

Fix 4: Browse your Decadent XLS File with an Antivirus

As I have listed in a higher place, your Excel file can go corrupt afterwards being infected by any virus or malware. Therefore, you can repair damaged and corrupt Excel files by only scanning them with a security awarding.

To implement this fix, y'all tin just select the Excel file, right-click, and choose to browse it with any reliable antivirus application. Fifty-fifty if you don't have whatsoever anti-malware tool installed, you can however scan the file with Microsoft Defender, which is the inbuilt security awarding in Windows.

scan excel with defender

Once the scan has been completed, you tin can launch MS Excel and endeavor loading the decadent file.

Fix 5: Remove Unwanted Add-ins from MS Excel

It has been observed that the presence of any unreliable add-in in MS Role can also cause all kinds of unwanted issues with information technology. The best way to repair damaged and decadent Excel files due to whatever app-related event is by removing these add-ins.

To troubleshoot the issue, you can just launch MS Excel and go to its Carte > File > Options. Equally the dedicated window for Excel Options is launched, become to the Add together-ins section from the sidebar.

ms excel addins

From hither, yous can select any add-in that y'all want to remove and click on the "Actions" feature from the lesser panel to go rid of it. Y'all can also go to the "Manage Add-ins" option here to directly uninstall any add-in on Excel.

Fix 6: Run the MS Office Diagnostics on Windows

This is another smart technique that you can implement to fix these occurring bug with a decadent Excel awarding instead. Apart from beingness a corrupt document, chances are that your installed MS Part Suite can also be corrupted.

Therefore, to repair damaged and corrupt Excel files, you can merely launch Control Panel and go to its Programs & Features options. From here, yous can just find and select the MS Office application and click on the "Manage" or "Change" push.

change ms office app

This volition display all kinds of operations that yous can perform on MS Office. Y'all can but click on the "Repair" feature and commence the process to fix the installed MS Office Suite.

repair ms office suite

From the provided options, you can cull to perform a "Quick Repair" on the MS Role Suite. Now, yous can merely follow a unproblematic click-through procedure to fix any issue with MS Function.

quick repair ms office

After completing the procedure, you can restart MS Excel on your system and bank check if information technology correctly loads the XLS file or not.

Part three: Tips to Avert Bug with Excel Documents

As y'all can see, it is quite easy to repair damaged and corrupt Excel files with the right tools. Though, if you desire to avert facing such scenarios birthday, then you tin consider following these tips:

  • Proper File Treatment

Make certain that y'all ever follow proper techniques while handling your Excel files. For case, yous should avoid shutting down or restarting your system when an Excel document is existence candy.

  • Scan your Excel Files

Apart from that, consider installing a reliable anti-malware tool on your system and browse your Excel documents or their storage units regularly.

  • Avert Public Connections

Y'all should as well avoid connecting your computers to a public network or your USB drives to a public computer as they can easily harm your files.

  • Install Trusted Add-ins Only

If yous are installing any plugin or add-in to your MS Excel application, and then make sure it is from a trusted publisher.

  • Avoid Forceful Actions

Lastly, avoid any forceful conversion of your Excel documents, and don't take unwanted deportment that can crusade logical problems with your XLS files.

  • Maintain a Fill-in

Most chiefly, always consider taking a backup of your important Excel documents so that you tin hands recover them (in instance of data abuse).

Summing It Up!

This brings united states of america to the end of this extensive guide on how to repair damaged and corrupt Excel files in different ways. As you can see, I accept come up up with all kinds of native and 3rd-political party solutions that you lot can hands follow to repair corrupt, damaged, and inaccessible Excel documents on your system.

Besides that, y'all can also follow the above-listed suggestions to avoid these Excel-related issues in the coming days and keep your data rubber.

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Excel File Repair How to Recover Corrupted Excel File 2010

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